- 4,607 public companies / 6,839 private companies
- 9 years and 5 months coverage
Thinknum's "Job Listings" dataset allows users to better understand the hiring plans of an individual company. By tracking who and where a company is looking to hire, this dataset serves as an indicator on whether a company is growing or contracting.
Use cases
- For Business / Competitive Intelligence and People Analytics: get inside your competitors' heads by tracking their open job listings in real time. Drill down for insights into what positions and locations they are targeting, or use our word cloud tool to analyze their job descriptions.
- For ESG teams: leverage Thinknum’s gender decoder to quantify gendered wording in your job ads. Benchmark against the competition to meet your diversity & inclusion goals.
- For Investors: hiring is a leading indicator of corporate performance, so investors leverage our job listings data to improve their investment decisions.
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Read articles and case studies published by The Business of Business articulating trends in activity seen within companies.
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