Thinknum Alternative Data provides over 35 datasets per company covered and is continuously expanding the collection to allow analysis across more metrics.
Job Listings
Track hiring and firing trends of a company, filtered by title, location, type, date, category and date of posting.
- 4,607 public companies / 6,839 private companies
- 9 years and 5 months coverage
LinkedIn Profile
Access historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
- 8,368 public companies / 371,898 private companies
- 9 years and 4 months coverage
Store Locations
Track store growth and overlay competitors locations with Thinknum’s store location data.
- 1,643 public companies / 6,118 private companies
- 8 years and 11 months coverage
Discounted Products by Vendor
Access historical data on average percentage of discount per company by vendor.
- 79 public companies / 8 private companies
- 9 years and 1 months coverage
Products by Geo by Vendor
Track pricing and average discount for a specific product per vendor by location
- 52 public companies / 180 private companies
Products by Vendor
Track pricing and average discount for a company per vendor
- 388 public companies / 134 private companies
Apple Store Ratings
Access historical App Store data - release date, ratings, pricing and more.
- 1,750 public companies / 1,079 private companies
- 9 years and 4 months coverage
Bestselling Products by Vendor
Track bestselling products by vendor, including stats like name, brand, upc, image, category, price, manufacturer and other data points.
- 7 companies
- 8 years and 9 months coverage
Facebook App Active Users
Track user engagement for websites and mobile apps
- 497 public companies / 11,098 private companies
Facebook Followers
Track the number of Facebook followers over time and how many people are talking about a company
- 5,224 public companies / 129,803 private companies
- 10 years coverage
Featured Partners Data
Track featured partners off company websites.
Github Activity
Track company's activity on Github including number of contributors, commits, pull requests, branches and other datapoints.
- 84 public companies / 1,491 private companies
Github Commits Data
Track the number of commits on Github for cryptocurrencies
GitHub Users
Track publicly available top 1 million users on Github
Google Play App Ratings
Access historical Google Play App Ratings - release date, ratings, pricing and more
- 1,609 public companies / 969 private companies
- 9 years and 4 months coverage
Google Play App Store Reviews Data
Google Play App Store Reviews
Government Contracts
Track the number of active government contracts and their value, vendor names, agencies involved, joint venture status and more data points.
- 159 public companies / 5 private companies
Indeed Snapshot
Track company reviews on Indeed to uncover insights on employee sentiment
- 3,440 public companies / 2,170 private companies
- 4 years and 8 months coverage
Instagram Profile Metrics
Track the number of Instagram followers and posts for a company.
- 5 years and 5 months coverage
Itunes App Store Reviews Data
Itunes App Store Reviews
Kununu Employee Reviews Data
Track Kununu Employee Reviews
Linkedin Count of Employees by Facet Data
Track the number of employees listed on LinkedIn broken down by certain facets
Loans Issued
Track average loan amount, interest, income, employment period and credit scores.
- 1 public companies / 1 private companies
NFT Transactions Data
Includes bids, cancelled bids and sales of NFT assets.
- 1 companies
Patent Grants Data
Patents granted to organizations.
Products by Geo - BestBuy Data
Track Best Buy's pricing for the same item across geographies.
Access historical data on listed property rentals including pricing, location, size and number of rooms
- 32 public companies / 132 private companies
Published Articles Data
Real Estate Constructors
Track publicly available third party real estate constructors and home builders data including ratings and location
Reddit Mentions
Track the number of times individual companies are mentioned in the top 100 posts on r/WallStreetBets in real time.
- 4 years and 5 months coverage
REIT Tenant
Track tenants for REITs over time by state, city, zip code, vacancy, square footage and more data points.
- 59 public companies / 29 private companies
- 8 years and 3 months coverage
Reviews by Vendor
Track user reviews including ratings and review title on a company level per vendor
- 49 public companies / 25 private companies
Shareholders Data
- 5,742 public companies / 5 private companies
Stack Exchange Questions
Track users questions related to a company on Stack Exchange
- 61 public companies / 17 private companies
- 8 years and 7 months coverage
Track website's HTTP Hits Per Second, viewers, channel count and other traction metrics
- 248 public companies / 254 private companies
Twitter Followers
Track various Twitter-related data points over time, including number of tweets, followers, following, likes, lists and verified status
- 5,737 public companies / 128,944 private companies
URL Share Count
Track the number of URL shares on Facebook, Pinterest and Linkedin
- 10,058 public companies / 8,146 private companies
Web Traffic
Access historical web traffic data including monthly pageviews, monthly unique visitors and average page views per user
- 10,030 public companies / 7,860 private companies
- 8 years and 8 months coverage
Weibo Profile Metrics
Track company's Weibo profile metrics including number of followers, number of posts and more.
- 167 public companies / 36 private companies
Track company activity like never before
Alternative datasets reveal strategic movements within companies. Track when companies are hiring or firing employees, interacting with customers, moving product, and many other metrics indicative of company performance.