Search by Dataset
Thinknum Alternative Data provides over 35 datasets per company covered and is continuously expanding the collection to allow analysis across more metrics.
Job Listings
Track hiring and firing trends of a company, filtered by title, location, type, date, category and date of posting.
- 4,607 public companies / 6,839 private companies
- 9 years and 7 months coverage
LinkedIn Profile
Access historical Linkedin company profile data on number of followers, employee headcount and more
- 8,368 public companies / 371,898 private companies
- 9 years and 6 months coverage
Store Locations
Track store growth and overlay competitors locations with Thinknum’s store location data.
- 1,643 public companies / 6,118 private companies
- 9 years and 1 months coverage
Discounted Products by Vendor
Access historical data on average percentage of discount per company by vendor.
- 79 public companies / 8 private companies
- 9 years and 3 months coverage
Products by Geo by Vendor
Track pricing and average discount for a specific product per vendor by location
- 52 public companies / 180 private companies
Products by Vendor
Track pricing and average discount for a company per vendor
- 388 public companies / 134 private companies
Apple Store Ratings
Access historical App Store data - release date, ratings, pricing and more.
- 1,750 public companies / 1,079 private companies
- 9 years and 6 months coverage
Bestselling Products by Vendor
Track bestselling products by vendor, including stats like name, brand, upc, image, category, price, manufacturer and other data points.
- 7 companies
- 8 years and 11 months coverage
There are many more Datasets available.
See all datasets
Track company activity like never before
Alternative datasets reveal strategic movements within companies. Track when companies are hiring or firing employees, interacting with customers, moving product, and many other metrics indicative of company performance.